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QUEST + BFG SUPPLY, Visit Quest Announces New Partnership with BFG Supply

[Madison, WI, December 13, 2023] Quest Climate, a pioneer in the humidity control industry, is thrilled to announce a strategic partnership with BFG Supply, a…

Available Now QUEST 100 with MERV-13 Filtration, Compact-size, Corrosion-Resistant base, and digital controls pointed out on the machine New Quest 100: High-Efficiency Dehumidifier for Smaller Spaces and Projects

Our patented M-CoRR Technology, now in compact size. Quest Climate announces the new Quest 100, a dehumidifier created with small-space projects or hobbyist growers in…

dan episode 7 Why Over or Undersized Equipment Causes Humidity Issues (VIDEO) It’s a random Tuesday and your relative humidity is at 80%. The next day? 50%. What the heck, right? Don’t worry – it’s not as mysterious…

properly size dehumidification equipment How to properly size your dehumidification equipment (VIDEO)

Getting at how much humidity control you need isn’t the international man of environmental control mystery, like many of us think. In fact, how to properly size your dehumidifiers is relatively straightforward IF you have the necessary data.

¿Que es la Humedad Relativa y Porque debería de Importarte?

Puntos Clave Cuando se trata de guardar cualquier cosa, la humedad relativa tiene mucho que ver en el tiempo que duren. La humedad relativa (RH)…

What is relative humidity and why is it important?

Key Takeaways When it comes to storing, well – pretty much anything – relative humidity can cause damage to everything from food to furniture. It also can create health problems for…