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Tackling Humidity Problems in Schools

The Need for Energy-Efficient Standalone Dehumidifiers 

As a result, humidity control in schools and university buildings should be a critical consideration. While HVAC systems play a vital role in maintaining a comfortable environment, more is needed when it comes to tackling humidity. This is where energy-efficient, standalone dehumidifiers come into play. 

The Impacts of High Humidity in Schools 

Unpleasant Odors 

Have you ever been in an auditorium or classroom with that old, musty smell? That’s often the result of persistent humidity, mold, and mildew. These damp and stale smells make the school environment unpleasant for students, teachers, and visitors. While a musty smell might seem minor or simply a cosmetic concern, it also presents genuine health concerns.

Health Concerns

High humidity levels are the perfect breeding ground for mold and mildew, which are known to trigger asthma, allergies, and other health risks in students and staff. As a result of poor indoor air quality and these unsafe conditions, institutions may see a decline in academic performance and an increase in absences. Educational buildings with unchecked humidity ultimately create an unsuitable environment for students and staff to spend their days. 

Structural Damage 

Moisture wreaks havoc on building infrastructures. Wooden materials can warp and rot, and paint can peel, while metal fixtures rust and corrode. These damages brought on by moisture lead to costly repairs and renovations. In addition, high moisture and humidity levels can cause mold and mildew to form and thrive, which ends in costly remediation. 

Increased Energy Costs 

As humid air feels warmer, HVAC systems are forced to work harder in order to maintain a comfortable temperature. This not only leads to higher energy bills, but also reduces the lifespan of the HVAC equipment due to overuse. Humidity control isn’t part of your HVAC’s job description. Instead, leave temperature control to HVACs, while standalone dehumidifiers can work alongside to regulate humidity.

Why HVAC Systems Aren’t Enough 

Many educational buildings are solely equipped with HVAC as air conditioning is often thought to be enough for climate control. While HVAC systems are designed to regulate temperature and air quality, they aren’t enough when it comes to managing humidity. 

Here’s why: 

Designed for Temperature Control 

HVAC systems focus on cooling or heating the air and not dehumidification. The cooling coils inside these systems pass as much air as possible through them in order to cool the air quickly. Unfortunately, as the system and coils overwork themselves in an attempt to dehumidify, the condensate created on the coils will actually limit airflow. Without as much air passing through the coils, it becomes less effective. Simply put, HVACs are not built to remove enough moisture to maintain ideal humidity levels. 

Energy Inefficiency

Again, HVAC systems aren’t designed for dehumidification and instead regulate temperature. When an HVAC system tries to combat humidity by cooling the air, it must run longer and harder. This drives up energy costs and leads to an uncomfortable overcooling. 

Inconsistent Performance

Humidity levels vary in different indoor spaces, meaning some areas require more climate control. While it might be obvious that a cafeteria or mess hall is prone to higher humidity levels due to moisture created by cooking and cleaning, auditoriums should not be overlooked. Spaces where hundreds of breathing and perspiring individuals gather also create substantially high humidity. The problem escalates when you add seasonal outdoor humidity, as doors constantly open and close. 

Differentiated spaces are an important consideration when tackling humidity in schools. Unfortunately, HVAC systems alone don’t solve the issue as they simply provide uniform temperature control throughout an entire building or facility, which doesn’t account for rooms’ differing susceptibility to high humidity.

Seasonal Inoccupancy 

The above problems are especially prominent in the summer months as schools and universities are far less occupied or closed completely. The traditional practice of relying solely on air conditioning to dehumidify empty or minimally occupied school buildings is inefficient and financially burdensome. 

Why expend resources to (over)cool an entire educational facility in an attempt to combat mold growth when only a fraction of the space is being used? This outdated method fails to address the root cause of humidity issues and leads to unnecessary energy consumption and increased operating costs. As we all strive for more sustainable and cost-effective solutions, it is imperative to implement climate control strategies that prioritize efficiency and environmental accountability. 

The Solution: Energy-Efficient Standalone Dehumidifiers 

Standalone dehumidifiers offer a targeted and efficient solution for managing humidity in school facilities. Here’s why they are a crucial addition to any educational environment: 

Effective Moisture Removal

Unlike HVAC systems, standalone dehumidifiers are specifically designed to remove excess moisture from the air, ensuring optimal humidity levels. The coils used in Quest dehumidifiers are designed to shed moisture rapidly so air can continue passing through efficiently. 

Energy Efficiency

Utilizing standalone dehumidifiers in combination with an HVAC system allows for a more balanced climate control and energy use. Having an energy-efficient dehumidifier to supplement HVAC reduces overuse—each system is doing what they do best. 

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Utilizing standalone dehumidifiers to maintain proper humidity helps prevent mold and mildew growth, ensuring healthy air quality, creating a better learning environment. 


Standalone dehumidifiers offer the flexibility to be strategically placed in problem areas such as locker rooms, kitchens, classrooms, or auditoriums—providing targeted dehumidification where it’s needed most. 


Investing in standalone dehumidifiers can reduce the strain on HVAC systems, extending their lifespan and reducing maintenance costs over time. When these optimized systems are used for their intended purpose, schools can save substantially on maintenance and energy costs. 

Choosing the Right Dehumidifier 

When selecting a standalone dehumidifier for a school or university, it’s important to consider factors such as the size of the area, the existing humidity levels, and the space’s specific needs. Energy-efficient models ideal for educational environments will have the following recommended features: an onboard humidistat, an option for remote operation, compact size, easy installation, and quiet operation. 

The Quest Solution 

Humidity control is essential for maintaining a safe, healthy, and efficient educational environment. While HVAC systems are important for temperature regulation, they need the support of dehumidifiers to control humidity levels effectively. 

However, not all standalone dehumidifiers are created equally. Quest Climate dehumidifiers are engineered with energy efficiency as a top priority, allowing us to achieve the highest-efficiency dehumidifiers on the market. The patented technology in our dehumidifiers provides a high-performing and cost-effective solution—promising optimal indoor air quality, infrastructure protection, and reduced energy costs. 

Investing in a Quest Climate dehumidifier is a smart choice for schools and universities committed to providing the best possible environment for students and staff that additionally lessens their energy consumption and subsequent environmental impact. 

Quest offers a wide range of advanced, energy-efficient climate control equipment designed to tackle humidity in schools, retail stores, data centers, municipalities, and more. Explore our product line and learn how Quest Climate can help your facility achieve ideal humidity control with lower maintenance and utility costs.

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