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Water Treatment Facility Case Study

Quest dehumidifiers for Water Treatment Facility
Corroded pipe burst, with water spraying out the side.

The Problem

A water treatment facility in Wisconsin was falling victim to some of the most common problems facilities of its typeface. The corrosion of pipes, electrical panels arcing, expensive light bulbs popping, and the deterioration of the physical structure were becoming evident, giving a face to the ugly problem of uncontrolled climate conditions. Dewpoints in Wisconsin frequently go over 70°F and when the groundwater being pumped through the pipes is 55°F, this results in condensation running rampant throughout the pipe gallery and filters. Even insulated pipes fall victim to this phenomenon.

Unlike some facilities where a quality HVAC system could be a helpful tool in dehumidification efforts, lowering the temperature further would actually compound the issue and increase the relative humidity inside the facility. Ventilation wouldn’t help either because the high dewpoint Wisconsin atmosphere would only add additional moisture to the facility.

Eventually, they decided they needed a dehumidifier and they were sold on an expensive $60,000 desiccant but unfortunately, it wouldn’t arrive for 12 weeks.

Thankfully, the client called on the professionals at Quest for advice and a solution to their problem.

The Solution

In the late 80s, Quest developed the first HI-E Dry dehumidifier. The patented revaporator process the system uses removes twice as much water from the atmosphere per kilowatt of electricity than any other dehumidifier on the market. Designed with efficiency and durability in mind, a HI-E Dry dehumidifier was exactly what the client needed for the conditions presented in a Midwest water treatment plant.

One of the biggest issues with dehumidification systems in water treatment facilities is that they often freeze under extreme conditions. But this specific equipment is designed for areas that reach dew points below 50 degrees in rooms that are 65 degrees or lower.

In addition, the HI-E Dry dehumidification systems are designed to be easy to install, so that they can be moved as needed. With a simple plug-and-play installation, affordable purchase price, and ultra-low operating cost, they’re an excellent option for municipalities that are sensitive to capital and operational budgets.

Quest Hi-E Dry

The Original Quest Hi-E Dry Dehumidifier, with Sales Director, Mike Carr

The Result

Perfect for this application, the HI-E Dry dehumidifier easily solved the problem. With a simple plug-and-play installation, the client could simply plug the correct machine into a standard 115-volt outlet at the facility and flip the switch.

After spending time with the client to determine the correct size and capability of the machine, the Therma-Stor team brought three HI-E Dry dehumidifiers to the client and offered a guarantee that the machines would solve their humidity issues. Because of the large area and the capacity needed, the client went with the HI-E Dry 195, which has a temperature range from 56 degrees Fahrenheit to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The system is able to remove up to 245 pints of water per 24 hours.

Within days the plant was completely dry and using a quarter of the electricity the desiccant dehumidifier would have used.  The city was able to cancel the order for the $60,000 unit, saving them almost $49,500 and completely fixing the problem.  As an interesting side note, those units are still operational today, 24 years later.


Utility companies require substantial maintenance budgets to battle the damaging effects of condensation. The high humidity and lower temperatures of water treatment facilities make dealing with condensation problems even more difficult.

Instead of overspending on unnecessary maintenance, consider solving the root cause of the problem with a HI-E Dry dehumidifier from Quest. For a customized climate control analysis and recommendation, contact the team at Quest today.