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The Most Sustainable Dehumidifier

for Your Business, For the planet, and your bottom line Is The Quest 335

Part of our high-efficiency dehumidifier series, The Quest 335, offers exceptional sustainability and cost-effectiveness. Its filter compensation feature reduces energy consumption, minimizes air conditioning usage, and maintains a consistent environment, making it one of the most economical units available.

Quest 335 Image

Save Electricity and Money

Our patented M-Corr Technology means that The Quest 335 dehumidifier boasts the industry’s highest efficiencies and the lowest amp draw. 

Lower amp draw means:

less heat (and less A/C usage)

less electricity usage

Less strain on the electrical grid

which means fewer brownouts & blackouts 

Enjoy Better Indoor Air Quality

Upgrade to superior air quality with confidence. The Quest 335’s MERV-13 air filter is 20% more effective at eliminating particulate matter than MERV-11 filters and 65% more effective than MERV-8. This advanced filtration reduces cross-contamination, capturing dust, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, virus carriers, and more, ensuring cleaner and safer air for the health of your operations and staff. Our superior MERV-`13 filtration also helps to keep the internal components of your dehumidifier clean, improving the life of the machine, and keeping the condensate pure.

Available in both
277V & 208/230V Models