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Compliance checklist

California Title 24 updates


California title 24 compliance checklist

I am building a new cultivation.
What do I need to know?

If you are working with an architect or engineer on a new cultivation design, or implementing new plans, it is important to understand, at least high-level, what equipment complies under California Title 24 and the implications of using equipment that doesn’t meet the requirements.

what is your timeline?

To start, it is important to understand when Title 24 comes into play. It’s part of the building permit process and your local building code official makes this determination. Not when conditioning equipment is specified, manufactured or purchased. If the installation is taking place after 1/1/2023, the new requirements will likely apply. The actual enforcement of Title 24 is at the discretion of local authorities. We recommend reaching out to your local AHJ (Authority having jurisdiction) for more information.

Below we’ve compiled what we call our California Title 24 Compliance Checklist to help you ask the right questions and keep your project on track.

Questions to Ask Your Contractor
Is my dehumidification solution considered portable or whole-home?
This is a good question to start with, as requirements differ based on the equipment installation method.

What is the performance of the equipment I selected?
Not all manufacturers publish performance at the conditions referenced in Title 24, or it may take some digging. One option is to directly contact the manufacturer’s customer service department. Equipment may also be listed in:
California’s Modernized Appliance Efficiency Database Systems (MAEDbS).
• Review the performance of Quest’s qualifying equipment.

When will the selected equipment be installed?
If the installation is scheduled for a date after 1/1/2023, it will need to meet new requirements.

Are there benefits of Title 24 that will benefit me?
While Title 24 section 6 is designed to support California’s energy conservation initiatives, having energy efficient dehumidification may create operational savings. Over time, those savings can exceed the cost of equipment. We’ve included Savings Calculators on Product Pages.

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have additional questions?

Our team is available to discuss your questions further or help you find the correct solution for your cultivation.